SWE Quiz
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API Design
Note: Not all questions may match a certain category on the roadmap.
Client-Server Communication
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ->
HTTP's Evolution Over Time ->
Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) ->
Data Formats for Web APIs
API Data Formats ->
Textual Data Formats ->
Binary Data Formats ->
API Architectural Styles
Introduction to Web API Architectural Styles ->
Representational State Transfer (REST) ->
RESTful API ->
GraphQL: A Query Language for APIs ->
The gRPC Framework ->
WebSockets ->
Server-Sent Events (SSE) ->
API Design Security
Introduction to API Security ->
Transport Layer Security (TLS) ->
Securing APIs Using Input Validation ->
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) ->
Authentication and Authorization ->
OAuth: The Authorization Framework ->
The Scope of API Security ->
Important Concepts in API Design
Backend for Frontends (BFFs) ->
API Versioning ->
Evolving API Designs ->
Introduction to Rate Limiting ->
Rate Limiting Algos
Client-Adapting APIs
Data Fetching Patterns ->
Event-Driven Architecture Protocols ->
Cookies and Sessions ->
The Role of Idempotency in API Design ->
Server-Side Rendering vs. Client-Side Rendering ->
Speeding up Web Page Loading ->
Resource Hints and Debouncing ->
Managing Retries ->
Caching at Different Layers ->