
While REST APIs offer scalability and flexibility in data transfer using formats like XML or JSON, they can fall short when it comes to the demands of modern, feature-rich applications.

Example: Imagine building a travel booking platform.  To display flight options, you need to pull data from airlines.  To show hotel recommendations, you have to access hotel providers.  And to offer car rentals, you interact with rental companies. Traditional approaches like REST become inefficient when dealing with such diverse data sources, leading to the development of custom data-fetching solutions. GraphQL, born from Facebook’s need to handle massive data-fetching requirements, is a prime example.

graph TB
    subgraph REST ["REST (Multiple Requests)"]
        C1[Client] -->|Request 1| R1["/airlines"]
        C1 -->|Request 2| R2["/hotels"]
        C1 -->|Request 3| R3["/car-rentals"]
        R1 -->|Response 1| C1
        R2 -->|Response 2| C1
        R3 -->|Response 3| C1

    subgraph GraphQL ["GraphQL (Single Request)"]
        C2[Client] -->|Single Request| G["/graphql"]
        G -->|Single Response| C2

    classDef client fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef endpoint fill:#9ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef graphql fill:#ff9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

    class C1,C2 client;
    class R1,R2,R3 endpoint;
    class G graphql;

This piece introduces GraphQL and examines its role in client-server communication.  But first, let’s understand the limitations of REST that led to the rise of GraphQL.

The Shortcomings of REST: Setting the Stage

In a REST API, we send a request to a specific URL and receive the corresponding data.  However, this approach has inherent limitations:

  • The Multiple Requests Dilemma:  If an application needs data spread across multiple endpoints, a REST API necessitates multiple requests. A more streamlined approach for fetching data from different sources is needed.
  • Overfetching and Underfetching:  REST APIs often return either too much data (overfetching) or not enough (underfetching).  This inefficiency wastes resources and can lead to performance issues.

Let’s explore these drawbacks in more detail using a hypothetical travel booking platform:

The Multiple Requests Problem

Let’s say our travel platform needs to display flight details, hotel availability, and car rental options for a user’s trip.  With a traditional REST API structure, we might have separate endpoints for each service:

  • /api/flights: Fetches flight data.
  • /api/hotels:  Retrieves hotel information.
  • /api/cars:  Provides car rental options.

To present a complete travel itinerary, the client has to make multiple requests to these different endpoints, increasing latency and complexity.

Overfetching and Underfetching: Finding the Right Balance

Overfetching occurs when an API call returns more data than the client needs.

Example: A request to /api/flights might return a massive dataset containing detailed flight information, even if the client only needs the flight number, departure time, and arrival city. This excess data consumes bandwidth and slows down the application.

  "flights": [
      "flightNumber": "AA1234",
      "departureTime": "2023-10-20T08:30:00Z",
      "arrivalCity": "New York",
      "departureCity": "Los Angeles",
      "arrivalTime": "2023-10-20T16:45:00Z",
      "aircraft": {
        "type": "Boeing 787",
        "tailNumber": "N123AA",
        "capacity": 280,
        "firstClassSeats": 30,
        "businessClassSeats": 48,
        "economyClassSeats": 202
      "crew": {
        "captain": "John Smith",
        "firstOfficer": "Jane Doe",
        "flightAttendants": [
          "Alice Johnson",
          "Bob Williams",
          "Carol Brown",
          "David Lee"
      "passengers": [
          "name": "Michael Johnson",
          "seatNumber": "12A",
          "mealPreference": "vegetarian",
          "frequentFlyerNumber": "AA123456"
        // ... [290 more passenger objects]
      "status": "On Time",
      "gate": "B12",
      "terminal": "2",
      "baggage": {
        "carouselNumber": 5,
        "estimatedDeliveryTime": "2023-10-20T17:15:00Z"
      "weather": {
        "departure": {
          "temperature": 72,
          "condition": "Sunny",
          "windSpeed": 5
        "arrival": {
          "temperature": 68,
          "condition": "Partly Cloudy",
          "windSpeed": 8
      "connections": [
          "flightNumber": "AA5678",
          "destination": "Boston",
          "departureTime": "2023-10-20T18:30:00Z"
    // ... [more flight objects]

Underfetching, on the other hand, happens when an endpoint doesn’t provide all the necessary information.

Example:  The /api/hotels endpoint might only provide basic hotel details, but the client needs to display user reviews as well. This would require additional requests to a separate endpoint like /api/hotels/{hotelId}/reviews, leading to more round trips and increased complexity.

  // Array of hotel objects - this is the main data returned by the API
  "hotels": [
      // Unique identifier for the hotel
      "id": "hotel123",
      // Basic hotel information
      "name": "Grand Central Hotel",
      "address": "123 Main St, New York, NY 10001",
      "stars": 4,
      "pricePerNight": 199.99,
      "availableRooms": 15,
      // List of amenities - note that this is just a simple array
      // More detailed information might require another API call
      "amenities": ["WiFi", "Pool", "Gym", "Restaurant"],
      // Geographic coordinates for mapping
      "latitude": 40.7128,
      "longitude": -74.0060

      // Notice what's missing: No review information is provided
      // To get reviews, we'd need to make another API call to something like:
      // /api/hotels/hotel123/reviews
      "id": "hotel456",
      "name": "Seaside Resort",
      "address": "456 Ocean Drive, Miami, FL 33139",
      "stars": 5,
      "pricePerNight": 299.99,
      "availableRooms": 8,
      "amenities": ["WiFi", "Beach Access", "Spa", "Multiple Restaurants"],
      "latitude": 25.7617,
      "longitude": -80.1918

      // Again, no review information here
      // We'd need another API call for reviews
      "id": "hotel789",
      "name": "Mountain View Lodge",
      "address": "789 Pine Road, Aspen, CO 81611",
      "stars": 3,
      "pricePerNight": 149.99,
      "availableRooms": 20,
      "amenities": ["WiFi", "Ski Storage", "Fireplace", "Shuttle Service"],
      "latitude": 39.1911,
      "longitude": -106.8175

      // Still no review information
      // This pattern of missing data is consistent across all hotel objects
  // Pagination information
  "totalResults": 3,  // Total number of hotels matching the search criteria

Food for Thought:  In a high-traffic environment, could underfetching lead to a surge in requests that overwhelms the server?

Enter GraphQL: A More Efficient Path

GraphQL, a query language and API specification developed by Facebook in 2012, emerged as a solution to address these REST API limitations.  Used internally at Facebook before being open-sourced in 2015, GraphQL enables more efficient and flexible data fetching from APIs.

GraphQL acts as a powerful intermediary between clients and servers. Clients can request specific data from multiple sources using a single query, and GraphQL handles fetching and aggregating the data efficiently.

Key Point: While it appears as a single request from the client’s perspective, the server might still make multiple internal calls to databases, caches, etc., to fulfill the request.  However, this internal communication is generally significantly faster than round trips between client and server.

Despite its name, GraphQL is not limited to graph databases; it’s a versatile query language for APIs that can work with various data sources. And while it’s transport-agnostic, like REST, it typically uses HTTP for communication.

The Building Blocks of GraphQL

GraphQL implementations have two primary components:

1. The GraphQL Server

The server acts as the GraphQL gateway, exposing your APIs to clients through a dedicated endpoint. It consists of:

  • Schema: The schema defines the structure of your data, outlining available data types and their relationships. It acts as a blueprint, dictating what clients can request.
  • Resolver Functions:  While the schema defines the what of your data, resolver functions determine the how. They specify how to fetch data for each field in the schema, mapping them to your backend data sources.

2. The GraphQL Client

This component, residing on the front end, could be a single-page application, mobile app, or any system that needs to interact with your API. The client constructs and sends queries to the GraphQL endpoint to fetch the required data.

GraphQL Client GraphQL Server Schema Resolver Functions GraphQL Query JSON Response Query Response

Data Manipulation with GraphQL: Beyond Fetching

GraphQL offers two primary operations:

  • Queries:  Used for fetching data, as we’ve already seen.
  • Mutations: Used for modifying data on the server, analogous to POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE in REST.

GraphQL Mutations

Mutations follow a function-like structure, with names and parameters.  There are three main types:

  • Insert Mutations: For adding new records.
  • Update Mutations: For modifying existing records.
  • Delete Mutations:  For removing records.


Assume we have a database table for travel bookings. The following mutation creates a new booking:

mutation {

  createBooking(userId: 123, flightId: "FL456", hotelId: "H789") {

    # Fields to return after successful creation



The Language of GraphQL: Requests and Responses

GraphQL queries are designed for precision, allowing clients to request specific data and minimize overfetching.  A query starts with the keyword query, followed by the objects and fields to retrieve.


Let’s say we want to display a list of flights with their departure city, arrival city, and departure time:

query {

  flights {






The response mirrors the query structure, returning only the requested data in JSON format:


  "data": {

    "flights": [


        "departureCity": "New York",

        "arrivalCity": "Los Angeles",

        "departureTime": "2024-01-10T08:00:00Z"



        "departureCity": "London",

        "arrivalCity": "Paris",

        "departureTime": "2024-01-15T10:30:00Z"


      // ... more flights




GraphQL allows you to nest queries to fetch related data efficiently within a single request.

How GraphQL Addresses REST’s Limitations

  • Multiple Requests: GraphQL fetches data from multiple sources using a single request, simplifying client-side logic and reducing network overhead.
  • Overfetching and Underfetching: Clients specify the exact data they need, minimizing overfetching and avoiding underfetching.
# GraphQL Query
query TravelPlanQuery($date: Date!, $destination: String!) {
  flights(date: $date, destination: $destination) {
  hotels(date: $date, location: $destination) {
  carRentals(date: $date, location: $destination) {
// JSON Response
  "data": {
    "flights": [
        "flightNumber": "AA1234",
        "departureTime": "2023-10-20T08:30:00Z",
        "arrivalTime": "2023-10-20T10:45:00Z",
        "airline": "American Airlines",
        "price": 299.99
        "flightNumber": "UA5678",
        "departureTime": "2023-10-20T09:15:00Z",
        "arrivalTime": "2023-10-20T11:30:00Z",
        "airline": "United Airlines",
        "price": 325.50
    "hotels": [
        "name": "Grand Central Hotel",
        "availableRooms": 5,
        "pricePerNight": 199.99,
        "rating": 4.5
        "name": "Seaside Resort",
        "availableRooms": 3,
        "pricePerNight": 299.99,
        "rating": 4.8
    "carRentals": [
        "company": "Hertz",
        "carType": "Compact",
        "pricePerDay": 45.99,
        "available": true
        "company": "Enterprise",
        "carType": "SUV",
        "pricePerDay": 79.99,
        "available": true

Think About It: Could we replicate GraphQL’s behavior by carefully structuring REST API requests to retrieve only the required data?

GraphQL Drawbacks: A Balanced Perspective

While GraphQL offers significant advantages, it also has some potential drawbacks:

  • Error Handling: REST APIs have standardized status codes for error reporting. GraphQL error handling requires parsing the response, which can add complexity and latency.
  • File Uploads:  The GraphQL specification doesn’t natively support file uploads.  Developers need to implement workarounds, which can be more involved than REST solutions.
  • Web Caching: Caching is more challenging with GraphQL due to its ability to interact with multiple endpoints and retrieve specific data subsets.
Aspect REST GraphQL
Data Fetching Multiple endpoints, often requiring multiple requests Single endpoint, one request fetches all required data
Overfetching Common, especially with fixed response structures Minimal, client specifies exactly what data it needs
Underfetching Common, often requires additional requests Rare, can request all needed data in a single query
Flexibility Limited, endpoints have fixed structure High, clients can request custom data shapes
Learning Curve Generally easier to understand and implement Steeper learning curve, especially for complex schemas
Caching Straightforward, can cache at the HTTP level More complex, requires custom caching implementation
Error Handling HTTP status codes, generally standardized Custom error handling, more flexible but less standardized
Performance Can be optimized, but multiple requests may impact performance Generally better for complex queries, reduces network overhead
Versioning Often requires creating new endpoints or API versions Can evolve schema without versioning, easier to deprecate fields
Documentation Requires external tools (e.g., Swagger) Self-documenting with introspection
File Uploads Straightforward with multipart/form-data Requires additional implementation (e.g., mutations)
Real-time Updates Typically uses webhooks or polling Built-in support with subscriptions
Backend Complexity Generally simpler to implement More complex setup, requires resolvers for each field
Network Performance May require multiple round-trips for related data Reduces network overhead with a single request
Ecosystem & Tooling Mature ecosystem with many tools available Growing ecosystem, strong tooling for development and testing
Mobile Performance Multiple requests can be battery-intensive Single request is more efficient for mobile devices

Note: The advantages and disadvantages of each approach can vary depending on the specific use case and implementation. This table provides a general comparison and may not apply to all scenarios.